5 Tips To Get Ready For An Appointment With An OBGYN Doctor

If you have a yearly checkup coming up or a women's health issue, it's important to make an appointment with an OBGYN doctor. While these appointments might not be your favorite thing to do, they're necessary. An OBGYN can look for various women's health issues, such as endometriosis and uterine fibroids, and treat them accordingly.

Here are a few tips to prepare for your appointment with an OBGYN doctor.

Reschedule Your Appointment If You Get Your Period

If it is your time of the month on your appointment, you may want to reschedule it for another date. Blood will not just make everything messier, but it can also skew the results of a pelvic exam.

Keep Track of Your Menstrual Cycle

While you should not be on your period during your visit with an OBGYN doctor, you should still keep track of your cycle. Your OBGYN will definitely ask you when your last period was. The date of your last period will let your OBGYN know some important things. For instance, if it has been a while since your last period, he or she may want to test for pregnancy or hormonal problems.

Create a List of Questions

You likely have some questions for your OBGYN. For example, you might want to know if it is okay to have sex on your period or how long you should wait to have a pregnancy test. Write these questions down to avoid forgetting something.

Bring Your Medical Records

Just like you would with any other doctor, you should bring your medical records to your appointment with an OBGYN. These records can help your OBGYN understand your family member's medical history and determine how to best help you. For instance, if you have a family history of colorectal cancer, your OBGYN may want to perform a colon screening during your appointment.

Do not Be Embarrassed

Although you may have to show your private areas during your appointment, do not feel embarrassed. Your OBGYN is a professional and has seen it all before. You also should not feel embarrassed about discharge or odors. Your OBGYN is there to help you, not judge you.

If you follow these helpful tips, you can be better prepared for your appointment with an OBGYN doctor. If it has been more than a year since your last checkup, you should think about scheduling an appointment as soon as possible. 

For more info, contact a local OBGYN doctor
