What to Expect during Your Annual Women’s Exam

It's important to prioritize our health and well-being, and one key way to do this is by scheduling an annual exam. During this visit, your doctor will perform a series of checks and tests to ensure that you are in good health and to catch any potential issues early on.

General Health Assessment
During your annual women's exam, your doctor will start by performing a general health assessment. This includes checking your weight, blood pressure, and heart rate. They will ask you about your medical history, any current health concerns, and any medications you are currently taking. This part of your appointment is a good opportunity to discuss any changes in your health or lifestyle that may have occurred since your last visit.

Breast Exam
One important aspect of the annual women's exam is the breast exam. Your doctor will carefully feel your breasts and underarm areas to check for any lumps, changes in texture, or other abnormalities. They will also discuss the importance of self-breast exams and educate you on how to perform them regularly at home.

Pelvic Exam
Another essential component of the annual women's exam is the pelvic exam. During this exam, your doctor will visually inspect the external genitalia for any signs of infection, inflammation, or abnormalities. They will then perform a Pap smear to screen for cervical cancer and may also perform a pelvic ultrasound to check the health of your reproductive organs.

Screening for STIs
Your annual women's exam is also a good time to discuss and screen for sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Your doctor may recommend testing for STIs such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, and HIV, especially if you are sexually active or have a new partner. It's important to have an open and honest conversation with your doctor about your sexual health to ensure that you are receiving the appropriate care.

Contraception Counseling
If you are of reproductive age and are interested in contraception, your annual women's exam is a great time to discuss your options with your doctor. They can provide information on various methods of birth control, including pills, patches, intrauterine devices (IUDs), and implants. Your doctor can help you choose the best method for your lifestyle and health needs.

Your annual women's exam is a crucial part of maintaining your overall health and well-being. During this visit, your doctor will conduct a series of checks and tests to ensure that you are in good health and to address any health concerns you may have. 

Learn more from a provider near you like Embrace Advanced Gynecology & Wellness.
