3 Things To Try If You Have Severe Menstrual Cramps

Severe menstrual cramps can be truly debilitating, especially since they occur like clockwork every month. While some women barely feel any cramping at all, others experience severe pain that is unbearable without the use of pain medication, and in some cases, even pain medication is not enough. If this sounds like you, you don't need to suffer in this way every month without a solution. Here are a few possible solutions to your menstrual pain that are worth exploring further: 

Get Checked for Endometriosis

Severe, debilitating pain calls for a more thorough exam than a simple pelvic exam and pap smear. One common cause of extreme menstrual pain is endometriosis, which is a condition caused by scar tissue growing outside of your uterus. Endometriosis is usually diagnosed by ultrasound or by a small exploratory surgery, at which time your doctor can also check for other potential culprits, such as ovarian cysts or fibroids.

The most common treatment option is a combination of anti-inflammatory medication and birth control pills, though in severe cases surgery to remove the scar tissue may be necessary.  Endometriosis can affect fertility, so if you plan to have children it's important to be proactive in seeking diagnosis and treatment.

Try Acupuncture

Acupuncture can be helpful for treating the pain of menstrual cramps and reducing their severity. Acupuncture triggers the body to release natural pain-relievers and has been shown to be especially effective when administered on a frequent and consistent basis. Acupuncture may also provide relief for other premenstrual symptoms such as headaches and nausea, and can be combined with more traditional medical treatments. You may not get total relief from acupuncture, but it may reduce the severity of your pain enough to be worthwhile.

Add Heat

Adding heat to your pelvic area can help relax the muscles, minimizing the uterine spasms that cause painful cramps. This is unlikely to be enough to eliminate serious cramps, but when combined with other treatments is very helpful. The simplest way to use heat to your advantage is to simply place a heated wrap or water bottle wrapped in a light towel on your abdomen. Some women find that warm baths are also good at soothing away cramps. 

The best place to start with any of these potential solutions is a visit to your gynecologist. After a regular pelvic exam, you can discuss next steps in diagnosing and treating the cause of your severe cramps so that you can begin to experience true relief. For more information, visit websites like http://www.centraliowaobgyn.com.
