Did Your Daughter Ask For Birth Control? 3 Tips To Talk About Her Contraception Options

While parents have different reactions to their teen engaging in sexual activity, the fact that your daughter came to you for advice about birth control demonstrates trust and that you have laid a foundation for open communication in your family. Now that she's opened up the topic, you can use these tips to steer her in the right direction to find a contraception option that best fits her needs.

Research All of the Options

Today, women have many choices available to prevent pregnancy until they are ready. While most options have high effectiveness rates, they all come with benefits and disadvantages that make a difference in which one works best for your daughter. For instance, an IUD can offer several years of protection, but does come with a few risks such as the low possibility of experiencing a complication. Alternatively, oral contraceptives can be stopped immediately if your daughter experiences unwanted side effects, but they require her to remember to take the pills each day.

Remember to Discuss STD Protection

Teenagers sometimes get so worried about the possibility of pregnancy that they overlook the need for STD prevention. Make sure your daughter understands that the majority of contraceptive options do not provide protection against STDs such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, and any sexual contact puts her at risk for contracting STDs. For instance, barriers such as condoms or dental dams should always be used during oral sexual contact. Talk to her about the importance of using condoms so that she can further enhance her understanding of how to protect her health during sexual activity.

Emphasize the Importance of Regular Exams

Although opinions can vary according to when a young girl should have her first gynecological exam, your daughter should begin to develop a relationship with her physician as soon as you know she's sexually active. During her annual exams, your daughter can work with her physician to find the right kind of contraception to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, and she can request routine testing for STDs that protects her health and fertility as she continues to mature into adulthood.

You've raised your daughter to know that she can come to you with anything. Now, the proof of all your years of hard work is finally coming to fruition. By knowing how to help your daughter identify the best contraception for her needs and guiding her to a trusted physician, you can ensure that she has everything she requires to make the right choices for her future.
