5 Benefits Of A Copper IUD For Birth Control

Many women want to have control of their reproduction, but choosing the right method of birth control can be a daunting task. There are so many options, but more and more women are choosing copper IUDs. A copper IUD is a small device that is inserted into the uterus by a gynecologist. Some of the top benefits of relying on a copper IUD for birth control include: Long-Term Birth Control Read More 

Three Questions To Ask Your Gynecologist About Vaginal Steaming

Social media has made it easier to speak about health and healthy living with regular people. There are some healthy living ideas that spread wide in a short amount of time. One of these items is vaginal steaming. Vaginal steaming entails boiling water and adding natural oils and herbs to encourage womb and vaginal health. Vaginal steaming has been used by some cultures as a practice and is available in some spas for women to enjoy. Read More 

3 Things To Try If You Have Severe Menstrual Cramps

Severe menstrual cramps can be truly debilitating, especially since they occur like clockwork every month. While some women barely feel any cramping at all, others experience severe pain that is unbearable without the use of pain medication, and in some cases, even pain medication is not enough. If this sounds like you, you don't need to suffer in this way every month without a solution. Here are a few possible solutions to your menstrual pain that are worth exploring further:  Read More